Posted by Sal Rovero on Friday, June 5, 2020,
Founded in 1994, Hollywood Hatters started when all the hat stores downtown Los Angeles had closed or were in the process of closing. Now that we've been in business 26 years, we can officially say we are the oldest hat store in town. It's family owned and hopefully with the support of the community, we'll be around for a very long time. Come and see our wide variety of hats made of felt or straw, fedoras, western fashion hats, ivy caps and newsboy caps , traditional to hipster and brands s...
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Derby Hats and Fascinators in Los Angeles
Posted by Sal Rovero on Monday, April 27, 2015,
One of the best selections of Derby hats and in all of Los Angeles are now available at Hollywood Hatters!
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LL Cool J and others at the Grammy's with HH Caps and Hats
Posted by Sal Rovero on Sunday, February 10, 2013,
It's Grammy time again in Los Angeles and many in the music world have come to Hollywood Hatters to top off their fancy duds for the event. LL Cool J is set to host again and like last year, we have supplied him with his signature wool IVY cap.. We will post more pics of others soon!!
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Orthodox Jewish Black Fedora Hat in Los Angeles
Posted by Sal Rovero on Sunday, June 5, 2011,
Okay, so all of you who have been looking for that big brim black Jewish style fedora you have seen on runway shows in Europe and famous designer collections, your search is over. Hollywood Hatters actually began in the hat business selling the big black Orthodox Jewish style hats 16 years ago. We have received a large shippment of amazing Italian made black felt fedoras recently in this style and they're causing a sensation. We are giving them away at $180.00. If they had a designer label,...
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Panama Hats in Los Angeles
Posted by Sal Rovero on Friday, April 22, 2011,
Okay everyone, who needs a Panama hat? Well you should know that the only and best place to buy a Panama hat in Los Angeles is Hollywood Hatters! We've received the best selection this season in many years. Come early for best selection. Panama hats are becoming more rare and more expensive every year since many of the weavers are dying out with few young people that want to take their place. And don't try to be sneaky and go to Panama to find one. They don't come from Panama! They actua...
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1000 Ways to Die
Posted by Sal Rovero on Sunday, March 6, 2011,
Well it seems that yours truly was invited to give "expert" analysis on the Spike T.V. show 1000 Ways to Die. This show was aired last January and told the story of a Mad Hatter. You see, mercury was used in processesing beaver fur in order to felt it. This practice caused merucury fumes to overwelm the hatters and with this constant contact, the hatters would eventually get mercury poisoning which would affect their brains and would eventually cause MADNESS.
Hence, the term Mad as a Hatter...
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Posted by Sal Rovero on Sunday, March 6, 2011,
Well thank God for T.V. Musicals! Congratulations to the T.V. show Glee. It seems to be enjoying very much success and hhas accumlated many supporting fans. Hollywood Hatters is one of them, even though I haven't caught one episode. But, as many that do watch the show, they like to use a lot of hats in many of their muscial numbers! I'm very proud to inform you that we are the main source for all of their headwear needs. So if you see something you like on the show, come on by and and we...
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Get Him to the Greek
Posted by Sal Rovero on Thursday, March 25, 2010,
Okay, if I was to list all the productions in Hollywood that use our hats I'd be on the computer all day. But sometimes I catch pictures of our hats in promos and I get excited. Here's a snapshot of the new movie Get Him to The Greek and I think the actor's name is Russell Grant.
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Matt Goss
Posted by Sal Rovero on Thursday, February 11, 2010,
So Matt Goss has been a customer of HH for several years. Honestly, I never knew who he was. Sure I knew his name, his hat size and what kind of hats he liked. But I never knew what he did... until now. It seems Mr. Goss is an international known singer and performer who has sold over 17 million records!!! He has headlined at the Palms hotel in Las Vegas consistantly selling out and is ready to move over to Ceasars Palace. With so many worldwide tourists visiting LV, they know him and flock ...
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Lil Wayne Rolling Stone Cover
Posted by Sal Rovero on Tuesday, February 9, 2010,
Okay, so all of you who are looking for the hat Lil Wayne is using on the Rolling Stone magazine cover on April 2009, look no further. He's wearing an XXL black Melodrama fedora purchased here at Hollywood Hatters.
View details of this hat here:
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Rainn Wilson, Terrence Howard, etc...
Posted by Sal Rovero on Sunday, February 7, 2010,
Look out for Rainn Wilson (Dwight from THE OFFICE) sporting fedoras in his interviews and in the press. His stylist pick up a couple of hats that Rainn loved. It's something new for him but hopefully it's a start of a beautiful relationship.
Also, we had a nice visit from our old friend and customer, Terrence Howard. Terrence always makes a point of stopping by when he's in town working, eventhough his hometown of Philadelphia is a very traditional "hat town" and has several places where he ca...
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Rockers, Rappers and Rabbi's....
Posted by Sal Rovero on Friday, July 24, 2009,
We hat everyone. Rockers, Rappers and Rabbi's. Yesterday, a gentleman came in and was shopping for a hat. He seemed to be in his 50's but had the old 70's rockers style going on. I figured he was a musician from back in the day. The hat he seemed to be interested was similar to a couple I sold to Martin Chambers, the drummer of The Pretenders. We had to alter it a bit for Martin so I offered the same to Mr. Rock n' Roll and mentioned Martin's name figuring he would know who he was. Not only...
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Mad Men, Dexter and Leverage
Posted by Sal Rovero on Sunday, July 12, 2009,
I wish I had the time to be watch some of the cable tv shows such as Mad Men, Dexter and Leverage. But it seems they've been enjoying a lot of success. Here at Hollywood Hatters, we are convinced that a large part of their success is due to the great HATS they've been using. Of course, HH has been the main supplier of headwear for these shows since they began. So for all of you who like the cool hat look of these shows, come on by and see our selection that so many wardrobe people have bee...
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Leonard Cohen Hat!
Posted by Sal Rovero on Friday, July 10, 2009,
Ok, for all of you Leonard Cohen fans who have been trying to figure out where he gets his hats, your search is over. Mr. Cohen has been a customer of Hollywood Hatters for five years. He always stops by when he visits his daughter who owns a antique furniture shop up the street. He use to be a big fan of some of our spitfire caps, but when it was time to go on tour, he directed his wardrobe officials to HH. They not only purchase hats for Mr. Cohen, but for the background singers and music...
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Posted by Sal Rovero on Sunday, May 31, 2009,
Hollywood Hatters has received a giant order from Kangol. If you've been searching for a great selection of Kangol, stop by HH and check it out. For some reason, Kangol seems to be scarce in Los Angeles. Too many people have had to rely on shopping on line and taking chances. Avoid risks by coming by and trying on our Kangols. If you're looking for a particular style, color and size, call ahead and confirm our stock. Hope to see you soon.
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Nice visit from Andy Dick
Posted by Sal Rovero on Wednesday, April 29, 2009,
Yesterday, we had the pleasure of actor/comedian and reality star Andy Dick's visit to our Hollywood store. Andy was with a friend and hung out with out for over an hour. He was fascinated by our selection.and had fun trying several hats on and taking pictures. He eventually purchased several pieces including a terrific fur felt short brim Bailey Bowler along with some Porkpie Hats, stingy brim fedoras and a large Christy's lady's hat for a friend. Andy was very funny and we all had a gret ti...
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Latest Celebrity ...Manny Pacquiao
Posted by Cierra Treloar on Tuesday, April 28, 2009,
All you boxing fans, get ready to see MANNY PACQUIAO sporting several pieces of fine headwear from HOLLYWOOD HATTERS. It seems that celebrity stylist, Joe Ramos picked us to be his source for all of Mr. Pacquiao's hats and caps. Many Kangol and Stefano Italian ivy caps along with fur felt fedoras were purchased and will be used during his press interviews in regard to his upcoming fight. Also, we will be making a custom baseball hat for Mr. Pacquiao for his appearance on the Tonight Show with...
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